Patient Participation Group

About the Patient Group

Since 2020 (during Covid) unfortunately our Patient participation group folded.

We since have undergone new management whereas we would love your feedback and support as to how we are doing and requesting your support to continue to make improvements on how we offer care to you, our patients.

The PPG (patient participation group) is a key factor for the smooth running of the surgery and offers our patients a voice to discuss directly with the practice management to assist resolving issues that may arise.

We are always happy to welcome new members, so if you are interested in supporting your Practice by joining our group, please complete this application form and we will then register you to be included in our group. Your contact details will be kept safe.

Any information shared must be constructive to assist with the running of the practice. Your opinions and suggestions matter.

This is a voluntary role, offering a minimum of 1 hour a month to attend such meetings.

If your would like any further information on joining the PPG team please feel free to email using the title as PPG: FAO Practice Manager

Interested in joining?

If you are interested in joining our Patient Participation Group, please complete our secure online form and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.